Community Cares
Our school relies on donations and fundraising activities to help us achieve important goals like offering tuition assistance to families, upgrading our school facilities and purchasing classroom materials.
Community Cares asks you to consider joining in the important work of supporting community members. When dollars are contributed a little more each month, they go directly into the Equitable Access Tuition Assistance Fund and will immediately help additional families access our school.
With your contributions, TPMS will become more accessible to families. Every dollar contributed to the Equitable Access Fund goes back to a TPMS family that is unable to afford the full annual tuition.
Children need opportunities to play and learn in settings outside of the classroom. Extending the classroom outdoors is a core component of the Montessori experience. Experiential and facility enhancements are necessary for every child’s experience as they grow, learn, and play. All ages benefit.
Community Cares asks you to consider helping The Portland Montessori School achieve these goals by supporting the development and enhancement for new experiences and structures. Gifts will increase opportunities for TPMS to continue to provide outstanding education in unique and important ways such as field trips, our Seed to Snack Garden, and enhancements to our multiple play yards.
Every non-profit organization needs general operating funds. The Portland Montessori School is no different. Community Cares is about celebrating staff, holding family engagement events, and making sure the school has what it needs to thrive each day. Every gift goes directly back into the school to strengthen everyone’s experience in our unique educational environment.
"Having entered our third full year at what is now The Portland Montessori School, we have been moved by not only Mr. Curt, whom Beck looks up to a great deal and thinks is the smartest person in the world, but also by the entire staff’s commitment to each child’s development."
"My wife and I can’t thank the school enough for helping not only our son, but also us as we try to provide a consistent learning environment in our home."
"As the mom of identical (yet nothing alike) twins, we wanted a school community that would nurture their individual curiosities and interests and provide them the same lifelong love of learning that I have experienced as a Montessori student many years ago. We found that in The Portland Montessori School."
"Yesterday my second grader added 61 plus 61 in her head and she's zipping through the Harry Potter series. So while the school doesn’t measure her progress with test scores, I can see how much she has learned, but more importantly, I can see and feel her excitement about learning."
"I could write an essay on how my daughter joined PMS in the last year and graduated from her primary class reading chapter books and doing long addition and subtraction with multiple numbers. She’s well beyond her kindergarten peers, and my younger son's pride in his work and love of learning has grown beyond expectation."