Contact Us
The Portland Montessori School
205 NE 50th Ave
Portland, OR 97213 | Map
(503) 688.2992
(503) 688.2999 fax
Tax ID 46-0878707
School Hours
Monday through Friday
Toddler, Primary and Elementary
8:30 AM - 3 PM
After School Enrichment Hours
Monday through Friday
3 PM - 5 PM
Send Us an Email
"As parents, our ultimate goal is for our child to make independent, healthy and confident choices so he can be a happy and productive person wherever he is in life. We are thankful he is with Miss Jennifer's elementary class and The Portland Montessori School community, where he is developing those traits."
"Our son's vocabulary, spelling, reading and social skills have grown by leaps and bounds under the Montessori method."
"I have taught in public schools for the past ten years, including six years in kindergarten, and I can attest that Montessori is different, special, and provides an optimum setting for children's growth and development."
"I could write an essay on how my daughter joined PMS in the last year and graduated from her primary class reading chapter books and doing long addition and subtraction with multiple numbers. She’s well beyond her kindergarten peers, and my younger son's pride in his work and love of learning has grown beyond expectation."
"Having entered our third full year at what is now The Portland Montessori School, we have been moved by not only Mr. Curt, whom Beck looks up to a great deal and thinks is the smartest person in the world, but also by the entire staff’s commitment to each child’s development."